Enrollment Procedure
Fill out an Enrollment Application. Spanish version here. The last page is for the students to fill out, or an adult may write down the student's responses to the questions.
When an application is complete, turn it in, mail, or email it to: businessmanager@treeoflifeschool.net. The date it is received will be marked on the application and may be used to determine enrollment when there is a waiting list after the open enrollment period.
Visit the school and observe a classroom without your child either prior to filling out the Enrollment Application or afterwards.
Optionally, also schedule an additional classroom visit with your child.
If the school has an opening for your child, you will be notified and an orientation conference with the parents/guardians and child will be scheduled prior to your child's first day of attendance.
If the school has no opening available, your child's application will be placed on a waiting list in the order the application was received. You will be called as soon as an opening becomes available.
At the orientation conference, you will be given the additional registration forms needed to complete enrollment if they haven't been sent to you beforehand. The Guide will review school policies and procedures in the Family Handbook. During the interview held at this conference, the child will be asked questions about his/her interests, strengths, and challenges, and the Guide will explain some of the classroom activities and procedures. Parent/Guardian input and questions are important during this conversation.
All registration forms and immunization information must be submitted before the child's first day of attendance. For children who are age 6 or first grade equivalent, evidence of a health screening examination must be submitted by the 90th day of the pupil's attendance.
Tree of Life Charter School actively recruits a diverse student population from the district and surrounding areas who understand and value the school’s mission and are committed to the school’s instructional and operational philosophy. Admission to the school shall be open to any resident of the State of California, but preference shall be given to continuing students, applicants residing in the district, and applicants residing in the Frank Zeek Elementary School attendance area. The school does not discriminate against any student on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, family military status, or disability. The school does not discourage a student from enrolling or seeking to enroll in the school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the student or because the student exhibits any of the following characteristics: academically low-achieving, economically disadvantaged, English learner, foster youth, homeless, neglected or delinquent. The school shall not request a student’s records or require the parent, guardian, or student to submit the student’s records to the school before enrollment. The school shall not encourage a student currently attending the school to disenroll from the school or transfer to another school for any reason (except for suspension or expulsion). (Cal. Ed. Code Section 47605(d)(4)) If the charter school discourages enrollment, requires records before enrollment, or encourages a student to disenroll, a parent or guardian may submit a complaint to the charter school authorizer using the Charter School Complaint Form.
After enrollment and prior to attendance, students and parents/guardians may be expected to satisfy the following, intended to create informed participants who are committed to the school’s program and philosophy:
Attendance at a group information meeting.
Participation in an interview and family orientation.
Completion of family and student information packet.
Completion of a site-developed assessment to ensure appropriate placement.
Signing of an acknowledgment that specifies the responsibilities of all parties involved.
In addition to enrollment preference for continuing students and those residing in the district, preference may be given to siblings of current students and children of staff, if space is available in the class for which they are eligible. The school will hold an open enrollment period each January. If during the initial enrollment period enrollment exceeds capacity for a particular level, final enrollment for each level that is over-enrolled shall be determined by a random lottery, open to the public, and held at the next Charter Board Cabinet meeting following the close of the enrollment period. If enrollment does not exceed capacity, the school may choose to conduct a second enrollment period later in the year. In such a case, the enrollment of those children accepted during the initial period shall be safeguarded. During this second enrollment period, if enrollment for the remaining spaces exceeds capacity, final enrollment for these remaining spaces shall be determined by a random lottery.